Sunday, February 19, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

Today's letters: Dear Mr. Simmons, I had so much fun with you yesterday going to Chipotle for lunch, going to get your new laptop, and then going to funnelicious and getting a yummy funnel cake. You are truly such a blessing in my life and I enjoy every second I get to spend with you. Dear rain, I absolutely love you on days where I get to just hang out at home. You really make lazy days so much better. Dear "Once Upon a Time", I really enjoy watching you every Sunday night with Ford. You have become something we look forward to each week. I hope you are a good episode tonight!

Yours truly,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dreary Monday

Today's letters: Dear Ford, thank you for always being so encouraging and telling me I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I don't know what I'd do without you. Dear Monday, I dread you so much every week. All I wanted to do was staying in my bed and watch "Friends" all day. Dear iphone, I wish you'd hurry up and get here! can't wait until tomorrow when you actually do get here and I get to play with you all day. Dear "The Bachelor", I can't wait to watch you tonight and spend time with my mom and sisters while eating yummy food that Lacey is making. It is going to be off the chainnn hizzy!

What are some t.v. shows that you watch every week? 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Today's letters: Dear lovey, I had soo much fun with you at the circus last night. I love acting like a kid with you and eating funnel cake until our fingers are covered in powder sugar. You are the best! Dear SUPA BOWL, I will be watching you with Ford and all the youth kids at Washington Avenue Baptist church. whoop whoop! Hope you have some good commercials. Dear test #2, I hope you go well tomorrow. I've been studying for you for hours! get ready to get aced!...hopefully. 

What do you do for the super bowl? What kind of food do you eat?